
Showing posts from July, 2013


CITY ENTRANCE All of us must have visited scores of cities, and would have formed some opinions about them. But how do you form an opinion ? As soon as you step into the city or after staying there for few days ? Opinions are said to be formed mostly on first impressions, and so it would be logically true for cities too. Now a City can be entered only in two ways – from a Railway Station or by Road. Arriving by Air is NOT a third option, as airports are on the outskirts of the City – so you practically enter the City by Road. I would prefer to enter a City from its Railway Station instead of by road, and can give sufficient reasons to do so. Delhi Arriving in a City by train is a joy in itself. The wait in the train as it nears the City, the clatter of the tracks as the train slowly navigates the railway yard. The duration taken in the yard varying according to the size of the City, in some cities it may be half an hour or more, in some only a minute. Finally the