
Showing posts from August, 2014


TOMATO The breast beating;  the breaking news of tomato prices by the  MSM (Main Stream Media);  the tirade by the evening scotch drinkers with ice tinkling in their glasses and 'ice' dollops adorning their ears and necks;   against the current government  has now become an annual affair. It happens every year and the show put on as if it is a first time happening.           Tomato – the shiny red vegetable (or is it a fruit ?). Children and adults alike are fond of it, and a salad without it is unthinkable. Required for making most vegetable curries tastier. In all of north India , it is grown only in the cold / winter months, as the plant cannot stand the summer heat of the region. Availability till the 1980’s or so was only in the winters, i.e., from November to the start of summers of end March. As the summer heat started, the prices of tomatoes would crash as the fruit ripened fast. Housewives waiting for this time would purchase tomatoes in large quant