
Showing posts from August, 2020


                 In the past decade or so, a concept kept coming up on the horizon - “Work From Home”. Various Management experts were seen extolling the benefits of such a system. But by and large Employers and Management did not show much interest in it. Maybe the thinking there was that employees shall do masti at home. Come Corona, government directive was – offices to remain closed and salaries to be continued to be paid. All banks, sales & marketing, education related and IT companies etc., had to per-force resort to Work From Home (WFH). IT companies had some experience in this field, and soon most organisations implemented it in a big way. About five months of Lockdown has given all players (employers, employees, employee’s family) sufficient experience of WFH, and Pro & Cons have emerged from both sides. I decided to find out from the people involved directly. A nephew of mine Manoj is in Mumbai, was initially very happy. He thought that time spent in commut