
Showing posts from April, 2022


                 A thing not in place is a thing lost is an age-old axiom. The mechanic and carpenter are sure where their tools are; they just reach out to retrieve the required implement. The surgeon requires particular instrument at every stage of the surgery and the nurse/OT attendant can hand it over in time only if they are properly kept. All these instrument & implements after use have to be kept back in their proper allotted place, so that they are instantly available for use the next time. This putting back of instruments/ implements - after proper cleaning if necessary – is of course done by an assistant or the mechanic himself if he is not very senior. The assistant not only learns the trade where he is assisting, but also the associated practices involved in it; ‘Putting Back in the Proper Place’ is one of them. courtsy - Printerest This person who puts back the instruments can be called  “The Putter Backer”. In case of surgeons, this person has to diligentl