
Showing posts from August, 2012


ASSHOLE We come across all sorts of persons, and someone among them is branded as conceited, or a show-off, or as a pain in the ass. You may come to the conclusion, or think deep down in your mind that, that some one is really the type of person as described above.  If no, this guide probably is not for you. If yes, congratulations, you're well on your way to recognising an Asshole ! Are they "A Born Asshole" or they have worked towards becoming one. Let’s find out. I came across this gem of an article on the net, and am reproducing it for everyone’s benefit. After going through the article, no prizes are being offered for recognizing or naming any asshole among your acquaintances, relatives, neighbours or colleagues. How to be an asshole        by   Evil Catullus Assholes usually follow these easy steps, to ensure that people think of them as an asshole, and not as a mere jerk, putz, loser or boor. Step One: Have impossibly refined sen