
Showing posts from October, 2012


A   NATIONAL   SECRET  ?                                Now-a-days in India …. - You can buy / acquire unlimited land, flats, farm houses, hill-station bungalows all over the country – no question asked, - You can buy tones’ of gold – no question asked, - You can spend oodles of money in 5 to 7 star hotels – no question asked, - You can spend crores of rupees on giving parties to thousands of persons – no question asked, - You can buy any number of SUV beasts, and buy unlimited amount of petrol / diesel to run them – no questions asked, - Etc., etc.,  etc., - BUT  YOU CANNOT  GET A  GAS  CYLINDER  FOR  COOKING  YOUR  FOOD  WITHOUT  GIVING YOUR  ‘JANM KUNDLI’ TO  THE GOVERNMENT                               Is a gas cylinder of some secret national importance which the general public knows nothing about except the oil companies ? It is bizarre in the extreme, to say the least !


IS  IT  SUBSIDY - 1 A retail vegetable seller normally goes to the wholesale vegetable market and buys a load of tomatoes and brings them to his shop. He sorts them into say 3 heaps – one – the larger and sturdy ones, - two – the unblemished but average sized, - three – the smaller and softer ones.                  Now if his purchasing price of the tomatoes averaged Rs 10/= per kilo, he would sell his heap A at probably Rs 20/= a kg, heap B at probably 15/= per kg, and heap C at probably Rs 8/= a kg. Is a subsidy being given on heap C ?  By him / by the Vegetable sellers association / by the citizen’s welfare group / by any other agency ? The answer is NO. He is keeping a differential pricing according to the type of tomatoes, so that he is able to clear all his goods accumulated in the transaction. His pricing is such that the better variety costs more, the average costs average, while the lesser value costs less. Besides it also suits the pockets of different cus


Why INDIA is in trouble..... ..   Population: 110 crore 9 crore retired   37 crore in state Govt;   20 crore in central Govt. (Neither category works)   1 crore IT professionals   (don't work for India ), ha, useless 25 crore in school,   too childish.   1 crore are under 5 years, unaware of the ways of the world.   15 crore unemployed and   irresponsible 1.2 crore you can find anytime in hospitals, therefore crippled.  Statistics say you find 79,99,998 people anytime in jail   The Balance   two are YOU and ME.   YOU   are busy checking Mails   /sending forwards....!!   HOW CAN I HANDLE INDIA alone?  


CURRENT  DISCUSSIONS - 1 Now-a-days all over India, with the availability of so many scams, there is no dearth of any material to talk about – whether in the office,  tea stall, local train, home or with relatives in any gathering. With a fresh scam every other day, there is enough new material for discussions, which can be carried out with gusto. If you mark carefully, you shall make out early enough that people in such discussions fall into one of the following categories and they take their stand accordingly.           1. Outraged people – Such persons are outraged and very angry at the scamsters and want them to be punished fast and severely. If you tell them that probably Anna shall recommend whom to vote for in the next general elections; and whether they shall vote for such a person, the majority of such persons would say – ‘yes’. 2. Diversionary people – These persons instead of discussing the scam will immediately and skillfully change the flow of discussi