

Now-a-days all over India, with the availability of so many scams, there is no dearth of any material to talk about – whether in the office,  tea stall, local train, home or with relatives in any gathering. With a fresh scam every other day, there is enough new material for discussions, which can be carried out with gusto.

If you mark carefully, you shall make out early enough that people in such discussions fall into one of the following categories and they take their stand accordingly.
1. Outraged people – Such persons are outraged and very angry at the scamsters and want them to be punished fast and severely. If you tell them that probably Anna shall recommend whom to vote for in the next general elections; and whether they shall vote for such a person, the majority of such persons would say – ‘yes’.

2. Diversionary people – These persons instead of discussing the scam will immediately and skillfully change the flow of discussion towards a related topic. Vehemently they shall state that 99.99% of the society is corrupt; that corruption is in our genes; that corruption cannot be weeded out; that corruption has been present for ages; that being honest does not pay; that a honest person dies a pauper; etc; etc.. Very soon you may start wondering that they are probably actually defending corruption !! If you ask them the same question of voting for a person recommended by Anna – their reply in most cases shall be that they shall vote on merit of the ‘case’.

          Who are the persons of the 2nd  group ? You can recognise and place them after being present in a couple of gatherings. Very soon you can mark out who may be the persons of the 2nd group - in the society around us; in our neighbourhood etc.

After that it would be amusing to start a discussion (if the situation permits) on corruption when such persons are present, and find your assumptions turning out to be correct !


  1. sometimes people react according to people present there in the group. helpless people like us, that is 'middle class simple people' show anger, spew poison and shout just to take out the frustration of helplessness.
    Corruption is increasing day in and day out.....better we join 'Kejriwal'.

  2. I will digress a little. Yes, everybody is complaining about everything around us. Agreed that a lot of things are going wrong. But who is responsible for this other than ourselves?

    The most natural reaction is to blame politicians. I see almost everybody is always complaining about corrupt and inefficient politicians, government employees, corporate employees, businessmen, in short almost the entire society. This is very distressing and depressing.

    But there is no reason for people to complain and blame others.

    The fact is the People of India chose a democratic system of government. The People of India fairly, willingly and by majority vote elect legislators at regular intervals, who carry out the Peoples' mandate.

    Elected legislators are ably assisted by a civil service and other arms of government which 100% comprises of people from all levels of society, without exception. Businesses, professions, schools, universities are run by the same people.

    In short, our own brothers, sisters, cousins, uncles, aunts, nephews, nieces, neighbors, friends are the people constituting political parties, government, businesses, employees, doctors, lawyers, teachers, etc.

    So when we ourselves are doing everything which is going on, we have no right or reason to complain. By blaming others we are actually blaming our own selves.

    People of India have to accept this reality. That is our fate!


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