London Musings ...1

It’s 6:30 in the morning of the just gone by December, and we are at the Lucknow airport.

All excited and trying to look like seasoned travellers (which we are not).

We, that is me and the LOH are on our way to visit our daughter & son-in-law in London. We dutifully arrived at the airport, the stipulated three hours in advance of flight departure. Luggage check-in, immigration and security check are over, and now we are in the waiting hall for the flight to be announced.

We had left the house around 5.30 am, so am looking for some breakfast, Airports are a rip-off for food items, so Prabha has brought some biscuits. I have to get tea only.

There is no lounge at the international flights departure lobby of Lucknow airport, which we would have enjoyed, so get two cups of tea from the tea stall, and relax.

The flight is finally announced. We file in, strap up and try to find some interesting movie on their entertainment system.

London… here we come!


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