लपक लो

 Let us consider a couple of scenarios, which all of us have encountered sometime.


Me : “ You see, the situation is like …”

The Other person : “Wait, I shall tell you what it’s like. The thing is …”. And he goes on to explain the same thing as I had started to tell.

The message immediately implies that what I was going to say was incomplete info, and what the “Other Person” has said is clearer.


I post some interesting thing in a social media group.

The Other Person , a group member, immediately posts several links about it from Google, Wikipedia; plus copy paste from some news site or News article, which tells exactly the same thing as I said.

Here also the message immediately implies that what I posted was incomplete info, and what they posted is making it clearer.

Courtesy pexels.com

There can be several other examples, but you get the drift.

          What is meant here by लपक लो is a hijacking of sorts, a hijacking of your theme in conversation among people, a hijacking of your initiative to say or present something before others. It is done so smoothly that before you know, everyone thinks it was the “Other Persons” idea. You are left holding nothing.

          “The Other Person” mentioned above has been in everyone’s life, and incidents like them happen with everyone. Age is no barrier to them , they developed that knack when they were a toddler, snatching the lollipop from other toddlers, graduating to snatching attention, verbal communication etc., of others throughout life.

          Whether it is in student life, working career or in the age of senior citizens, they thrive because they have honed & polished this skill; spent a life time perfecting the technique.

          They have a positive side to their nature, in other areas of life these “Other Persons” are friendly, helpful and have positive interactions with others. They thus become popular in the workplace, in a group, in the locality. It is this  लपक लो behaviour that causes problem onto whomsoever it is tried out; you, me and others.

          It can be said that it becomes a second nature to them, it happens without thinking probably. No offence may be intended, but it surely riles the affected person.

Courtesy pexels.com

          Options open to overcome this problem to the aggrieved person are few, but they could be  

1. Let the “Other Person” continue with the snatched narrative, OR …

2. Desist from giving any information or insight about anything when the “Other Person” is around.

          If you adopt the solution number 1, it hurts your ego; the remaining audience gradually take to ignoring your views and look towards the “Other Person” to throw light on any matter under discussion.

          If you adopt the solution number 2, the remaining audience takes you for an ignoramus.

          In any case, whether you go on route 1 or 2, you do not get to give any opinion when the “Other Person” is around, and you remain in the background, fade into the twilight.

But there can be other solutions also ….

3. There is another smart option. As soon the “Other Person” makes his move of लपक लो, you loudly proclaim something, thus changing the subject; uch as ask loudly “Oh why has Ramesh not turned up” OR increase the volume of the TV saying “Some important news is coming up” OR unobserved by others push the glass of water down so that it crashes, breaks thus creating a diversion! (This last trick if tried more than once can get you on the “not to be invited” list of all host ladies)

          The efficacy of this solution number 3 has to be practiced by you to be effective. Remember the “Other Person” has practiced and polished his moves since they were a toddler

4. Another diversionary tactic could be to loudly ask everyone to move for tea & refreshment to the dining table, as soon as the “other Person” starts to hold forth.

          This requires an understanding with the host lady or your better half. If there is nothing ready on the table, then you get a reprimand before everyone.


An important point arises, as to why do these persons behave like this ?

1. Did they suffer inadequate attention in their childhood, resulting in they trying to overpower others like this ?

2. Did their parents give them undue importance over the others in the brood, thus instilling in them a superiority complex ?

3. Did they learn early enough that this is a good way to browbeat others ?

4. Are they doing this to be more popular and shine in a gathering ?

5  It is a psychological disorder due to a short-circuit in their neuro system ?

          Whatever be the reason for them to behave like this, they are there to make the Earth a place where different types of people give colour to it.


DISCLAIMER  The above is only an expanded definition of the phrase “लपक लो”, and does not in any way refer to any person Known or Unknown, among acquaintances or any Social Media Group.  Any similarity with anyone is purely coincidental, and should not be taken as referring to any person living or “The Other Person”!!


  1. Such species appropriately termed as 'लपक लो' lack knowledge and want to thrive on borrowed ideas.In order to some how remain socially connected they sharpen the skill of ATTENTION GRABBER by whatever means.They don't mind as long as society tolerates them for their stupidity for it's recreation.These JOKERS feel pride though they are ridiculed at their back.
    Shri Lal's analysis for genesis of such behaviour seems to be correct as most parents encourage such behaviour for their popularity unmindful of damage they are inflicting.

    1. Very rightly analysed Mathur saheb. Thanks

  2. Ha..ha...ha....yes, it's really very irritating.


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