
Showing posts from November, 2012


The government introduced a system of marking the price of articles on its packing so that the public is not cheated into paying more than a reasonable price           Under the Weights and Measures (Packaged Commodities) Rules, all packed goods should carry certain essential information on the package which includes among other things the maximum retail price ( MRP ). Under the Consumer Goods (Mandatory Printing of Cost of Production and Maximum Retail Price) Act, 2006, certain guidelines have been provided so that the consumer cannot be charged over the maximum price printed on the goods by the manufacturer.                                                    This MRP is so devised that it includes the cost including profit of the manufacturer + the cost of transportation to a far point in India from place of manufacture + all the taxes on it (the highest possible State tax on that item in India) + profits of the distributing chain + profit of the retailer. The defe


If you go out from home with some work, and find out on getting there that there is a strike in the department etc, it not only irritates you, wastes your time but also spoils the day. The past history of Lucknow shows that some departments go on strike on a regular basis.                        GREECE had a  STRIKE CALENDAR this year from 10 to 14 Sept 2012 as given below ….. TEI -technical university – teachers: 5-day strike, Sept 10-14/2012 University and TEI professors: 48-hour strike, Sept 10-11/2012 School teachers (elementary & secondary) public and private schools: 24-hour strike      Sept 12/2012, one day after the schools opening Public Sector union ADEDY: work stoppage after 12 o’ clock noon, Sept 12/2012 State hospital doctors: 24-hour strike, Sept 12/2012 Tax officers: 4-hour work stoppage, Sept 13/2012 Fuel Stations: Crete : 48-hour strike, Sept 10-11/2012 Municipalities: 48-hour strike, Sept 12-13/2012 (source: On Sept 12/2012