
If you go out from home with some work, and find out on getting there that there is a strike in the department etc, it not only irritates you, wastes your time but also spoils the day. The past history of Lucknow shows that some departments go on strike on a regular basis.

GREECE had a  STRIKE CALENDAR this year from 10 to 14 Sept 2012 as given below …..
TEI -technical university – teachers: 5-day strike, Sept 10-14/2012
University and TEI professors: 48-hour strike, Sept 10-11/2012
School teachers (elementary & secondary) public and private schools: 24-hour strike      Sept 12/2012, one day after the schools opening
Public Sector union ADEDY: work stoppage after 12 o’ clock noon, Sept 12/2012
State hospital doctors: 24-hour strike, Sept 12/2012
Tax officers: 4-hour work stoppage, Sept 13/2012
Fuel Stations: Crete: 48-hour strike, Sept 10-11/2012
Municipalities: 48-hour strike, Sept 12-13/2012 (source: apergia.gr)
On Sept 12/2012, members of the Greek Armed Forces were called by their organisations to join a protest rally at 4:30 pm in Kolokotroni Square, near the Parliament.
Their reasons may be different and special to their country, but the idea of having a strike calendar is good.


Since the year is near ending and every department is busy in finalizing its list of holidays for the next year, it would be a good idea to have an advance list of strike dates, known publically so that it causes least inconvenience to everyone; they can have the strike days along with Sundays and holidays for maximum benefits.

The list of departments of various cities benefitting most by this arrangement could be …

1. Medical College junior doctors … 4 days per year
2. Paramedical staff of hospitals… 2 days per year
3. Advocates of various courts … 2 days per year
4. Bus conductors and drivers … 2 days per year
5. Bank employees … 1 day in the year
6. Auto and Tempo drivers … 1 day in the year
7. Development Authority employees … 1 day in the year
8. Electricity supply employees …1 day in the year
9. Municipal Corporation employees … 1 day in the year
Etc., etc..


          Some departments may not be in the above list, but it is un-intentional. They can join in as there is still sufficient time. This arrangement no doubt shall be of mutual benefit to everyone.


  1. good idea......but here in our country, they believe in 'shock treatments'.


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