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  Even in the same language, simple ordinary things are called by different names in different countries. As a result if one does not know the correct nomenclature when abroad, we may get something which we do not like, did not want or end up having to pay more. Indians travelling abroad or newly gone to reside there, unless they have done their homework, or are well read, face this problem. Afraid of being labeled as ignorant, most think it’s below dignity to have a new word explained. Social Media being a great informer, here are some of the brighter comments on the topic of drinking water, suffered by fellow Indians abroad. The names of the commentator have been left out to ensure privacy, but all of them are factual and un-edited.   * The first time I went abroad as a young engineer, at a restaurant, I was asked “Sir Mineral water or Sparkling water” Mineral water me to extra paisa lagta hai, so I ordered Sparkling water !   * Ordered a 30$ Sparkling water at the Ro


The Twin Towers of Noida were very much in the news just a few days ago, and their demolition on 28 th August 2022 was a whole day affair on all TV news channels. Twin Towers, Noida Before and after demolition there were hundreds of citizens, whether at Paan shops, Tea stalls, your acquaintances or netizens on social media from all over India and even abroad who raised questions on the decision of demolition. Their comments and questioning of demolition were mostly on these lines … 1.      Open a school or Hospital in the building instead of demolishing it. 2.      Allot the rooms of the building to settle slum dwellers, thereby clearing a slum. 3.      Move some government offices into it 4.      What a colossal waste of money if demolished, so use it for something. 5.      So much money has gone into it, so save it. And so on.   It would be suffice to say that all these commentators did not have the slightest knowledge of the background events that led to the court


                 A thing not in place is a thing lost is an age-old axiom. The mechanic and carpenter are sure where their tools are; they just reach out to retrieve the required implement. The surgeon requires particular instrument at every stage of the surgery and the nurse/OT attendant can hand it over in time only if they are properly kept. All these instrument & implements after use have to be kept back in their proper allotted place, so that they are instantly available for use the next time. This putting back of instruments/ implements - after proper cleaning if necessary – is of course done by an assistant or the mechanic himself if he is not very senior. The assistant not only learns the trade where he is assisting, but also the associated practices involved in it; ‘Putting Back in the Proper Place’ is one of them. courtsy - Printerest This person who puts back the instruments can be called  “The Putter Backer”. In case of surgeons, this person has to diligentl


                 Indian cuisine is liked the world over and to cater to the hungry people,   restaurants with Indian sounding names have sprung up all over, even in remote corners where you least expect them. Foreign nationals unless they have been to India or dined at an Indian’s home, hardly know the correct taste of Indian dishes. They do not know any better. This is where the con takes place, with various non-Indians taking   advantage and dishing   out rubbish to unsuspecting foreigners; giving a bad name to Indian food in the bargain. The scam comes to light when   Indians travelling abroad or newly gone to reside there   become homesick for Indian food see a restaurant proclaiming itself as serving ‘Indian food’, visit these ‘Indian’ restaurants   in their outings,   to enjoy the dishes offered. In nearly every case, the food served there does not meet their expectations, and later on they find out that the owners are either Bangladeshi or Pakistani masquerading as ‘Indi


                 Cinema halls all over India not very long ago used to be stand alone buildings. Their owners took pride in making beautiful structures, with something unique in each hall, to make it famous. Early cinema hall had English names, no doubt influenced by the British rulers of the time, with names such as :   Palace, Capitol, Odeon, Eros, Ritz, Regal, Plaza, Jubilee, Rivoli, Orient, Mayfair, Minerva, Novelty, Excelsior, Delite, West End, Imperial etc. With Independence names took a drastic change to Indian-ness, and we saw such names come up :   Maratha Mandir, Umrao, Moti, Liberty, Golcha, Filmistan, Sheila, Khanna, Jagat, Shekhawati, Amar, Raj Mandir etc. 'Maratha Mandir', Bombay. courtsy - Twitter The public felt pride in visiting and watching their favourite film in these halls. People used to boast that they have seen a film in the famous hall of Delhi, Jaipur or Mumbai. A visit to these famous halls was photographed, remembered and discussed. Persons who h


                 The present crisis in Ukraine has vividly brought into public knowledge the shortage of an item which was under wraps for half a century:   viz-   Shortages of seats in Professional studies in India: mainly seats in Medical Colleges. Majority population of India were surprised to know that literally lakhs of our children have to slog it out in obscure countries to acquire a professional degree for their career, for continuing their dreams of life. If we go by the number of students studying medicine who had to be evacuated from Ukraine alone; the total figure of such students in 15 odd countries would definitely run into several lakhs. courtsy - Punjab Kesari Why do they go abroad for medical education ? Numbers tell the real story. Total medical colleges in India : 595 (302 govt, 218 private, 19 AIIMS, rest deemed etc). That gives 88,370 seats. 44,555 in government, 43,815 in private, rest others. Lakhs want to be Doctors. Very few seats created in 75 year