
I remember so many things from my childhood which are no more seen. Some items are lost due to technology, which we should not repent. But there are several things which having no connection with technology, yet have gone into disuse.

          I remember all us children playing with a bicycle tyre and enjoying it no end. It gave lots of exercise, allowed us to see the whole street and mohalla, made several friends, learnt how to dodge traffic etc., etc. Children also raced each other to see who reached a point first.

          It was easily available in nearly every home and easy to play with it. Maybe in some remote places children may still be playing with this do-it-yourself toy.

Boy playing with cycle tyre    
           A class above was the boy who had a cycle rim ! It was the envy of the others. It was solid, shiny, made a nice metallic sound when rolling etc., etc. All the other children begged that boy to let us roll it for a few minutes; he obliging only a few.


  1. i think children in small town or villages play with cycle tyre...and what about 'gilli-danda'...kancha....girls used to play 'gutti..seven small stones...remember? and in school..that 'kattam-katta...we all used to enjoy..
    golden days...

  2. How about taking apart old dry cells after Dad discarded them from his torch

  3. सच मे, पहले समय मे बच्चे टायर को एक डां दी से दौड़ाते थे, देख कर लगता था उन्हे कितना मज़ा आ रहा होगा। अभी भी गांव देहात मे ये खेलते होंगे बच्चे।
    बहुत बढिया लिखा है।

  4. सच मे, पहले समय मे बच्चे टायर को एक डां दी से दौड़ाते थे, देख कर लगता था उन्हे कितना मज़ा आ रहा होगा। अभी भी गांव देहात मे ये खेलते होंगे बच्चे।
    बहुत बढिया लिखा है।

  5. सच मे, पहले समय मे बच्चे टायर को एक डां दी से दौड़ाते थे, देख कर लगता था उन्हे कितना मज़ा आ रहा होगा। अभी भी गांव देहात मे ये खेलते होंगे बच्चे।
    बहुत बढिया लिखा है।


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