The dictionary gives the meaning of the word ‘realignment’ as - the act of changing to a previous or different position

Realignment can be of various kinds – affecting us individually, our family, our society or the country. Why does realignment happen ? If you probe about it, the findings are astonishing. In most of the cases it is seen that it is induced by outside forces – who force it to happen to serve their own purpose and interests.

A COUNTRY may align itself to any power block, ideology or claim to be neutral. But realignment of countries is a slow process and it takes several decades to happen; or come out of. The period of the Cold war was the most prominent, and the world has seen countries realign with this or that Power or Ideology. Usually it is the Leader who does the process, and it is not in the power of the population to decide such realignments ! This is a vast subject of Political Science and better left to its experts.

YOUNG PERSONS specially teenagers and below – realign the most frequently and fastest – at the drop of a hat ! It can happen on very trivial issues such as loan of an item, going to the market or pictures or even ‘why were you talking to that person’. But as they say persons of this age are of vigorous ideas and eager beavers, so realignment of this age period does not last long, hence does not hurt long. The earlier status is easily restored and because of the growing age any mental scars soon forgotten & all forgiven.

One being eased out of the alignment

              FAMILIES or GROWNUPS realign on complex issues. These can be imposed or felt, such as a slight, or close ones aligning with other persons whom you don’t like or even on financial conditions etc., etc. Mostly such realignments are slow to happen, but can happen on a variety of occasions. Realignment at this age hurts more and lasts longer. Not being in the growing age or the age group of making new friends, they loose on close ones also; and the mental scars sometimes do not heal. Makes you uncertain about who you are ? About your purpose in life ? About who are your close friends ?

Of course realignment of any of the above group can be elective or inflicted !! When inflicted it is usually by persons (or countries) who have an axe to grind. Realignment can be detrimental or beneficial. In some it should have happened long ago, in some it should not have occurred at all – depends on case to case. It is a subject of Psychologists and Behavioral experts. It can be discussed no end, and results arrived at to suit any theory you prefer !!


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