Visitors Exuces To You

Visitors Excuses To You

Normally human beings do not like to live in isolation. They socialize in several ways, at the workplace, at a public place such as at the doctors, or the grocers, or the park with neighbours, and so on. But persons of your liking and nature may not be at the workplace etc, so people visit each other socially.

Children meet daily for games in the park, students meet for a round of masti at their ‘adda’, college, canteens or elsewhere and so on. It is the adults with their busy lives of jobs, self employment etc., who have to make efforts of going to meet others. We are talking about such persons here.

Why they visit you, or do they visit you very often, or pay a perfunctory visit of few minutes just to keep up the pretences ?  The reasons can be several and need serious thought. Here are some causes on the subject, in first / second / third  person  - not given in any particular order …

# “ Dahling, you live on the first floor and there is no lift ! How do I reach there ?”

# “ You do not have a western style WC at your home,  and having had my education in Swaziland I am uncomfortable and not used to anything else Dear !”

# You do not have a separate bedroom (!) to offer them for stay.
          # You do not gossip (!). This stands to reason as people come to exchange news and views, but not about the weather / politicians / scams. They want to talk about other people (masaledar gossip!)
          # You do not visit them quid-pro-quid in return (!). It does not bother them that they are 40 years lesser in age than you. Social norms that enjoin that the juniors should visit the seniors more than vice-versa can go to hell.

# Some think so highly of themselves – uptight is the word - that they shall visit you only when invited to dinner, that too arriving very late.  Every other time a new excuse is ready for you.

          # You do not offer sufficient eatables which makes you a scrooge (!)

# You offer too many varieties of eatables which makes them start thinking that the reason of such hospitality is that no body comes to visit you. It makes them reason that they should come less often (!).

#  Their children think poorly of you, and they dare not oppose the children. So there !

# Some people only give a return visit, i.e. they will not visit you on their own.       It works this way – You visit them and they pay a return visit and the account is squared. You have to visit them afresh to start a new account which they shall end by paying a return visit. You get wise to such a duo and as a test do not visit them when the account was clear; and lo-and-behold, it is now about three years they have not visited you – wanting you to start first !!

# “ My Dear, it is so hot nowadays, I shall come when the weather is better” (You do not have sufficient air-conditioners in your house, while they have one in every room of theirs)

# If coming from another city, they may be compelled to stay with or visit another person senior in family rank than you. They may condescend after several days, to come some afternoon, timing it after lunch, and leave before evening tea (saying ‘we didn’t want to bother you’), giving you an hour of their gracious presence !

# “ Dahling !! You stay 15 km away and it takes soo much time. Why don’t you come over ? We will have a great time”.  Implying that for them it is 15 km, but for you it is only a km or so to their place !!

# Some shall stop visiting you when you call their bluff on some matter. They are so ashamed that they give forth a string of excuses on why they could not come to your place.

# “Darling, my poodle can’t bear the weather without the AC at 13°C. Take out your woolens and give me a ring and I shall tell you when I can make it.” Would you want such a Royal visit ?


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