Keetaroo is Hindi for Germs.
Germs and bacteria, as we all have been taught in early school years are things to be vary of. Some of the germs / bacteria are good, such as lactobacillus which forms Yoghurt (Dahi). They also cause fermentation which makes wines. Quite a bunch of bacteria are present in our mouth, stomach and sundry organs which digest our food and help us to live in general good health. And everyone would tell you that Germinated grains are good in your breakfast.
The Marketing world has latched on to this and made it the unique selling point of most things made by them. It also does not want any one to forget it. It  keeps on bombarding us day-in & day-out that these ketaroos are out to get us. “Use our products or else !” they keep on dinning into our ears vehemently on the TV, Radio and Press, spreading the keetaroo mania and brainwashing all future generations to come.
Here are a few examples …..
Napkins for Toddlers : The advertisers are emphatic that unless the babies wear THEIR nappies, all hell would break loose on the baby by the keetaroos
Keetaroos on the floor

The Floor : It is dinned into us by them, that the floor of our rooms are not safe from keetaroos for our walking etc., unless the floor is wiped by THEIR solvents. 

Keetaroos in the mouth
Brushing teeth : Using THEIR paste/powder in cleaning teeth in the morning is the only remedy for banishing the keetaroos which would otherwise make all our teeth fall out.

Toothbrush : Not satisfied with the paste/powder which shall kill the keetaroos, they have come up with pushing THEIR toothbrush as the ultimate weapon to fight mouth keetaroos.
Mouthwash : But the mouthwash-wallas do not agree. They want your mouth gargled by THEIR product, even after brushing to kill the keetaroos.
The WC : Unless the WC is cleaned with THEIR product, you are a gonner; as the keetaroos are going to get you.
Drinking Water : They are the loudest on this. Unless we use THEIR water gadget, there is no salvation for us from keetaroos, and maybe shall spend the remainder of our life in untold misery of hospitals.

Keetaroos on the hand
Washing of hands : Fun is specially made of those school children who do not use THEIR soap or liquid soap, as the keetaroos attack the non-user.
Bathing : You are made out to be a duffer if you do not use THEIR soap after returning home from work, bringing the keetaroos into home.
Talcum Powder : Not to be left behind, talcum powder has also joined the keetaroo brigade. Ordinary talcum would not do, you have to use THEIR talcum to overcome the keetaroos.
Washing clothes : It is vehemently pointed out that only THEIR product kills the keetaroos, which plain washing soap is ineffective in removing.
Utensils : The family not using THEIR product in cleaning and washing the cooking & dining utensils are eating keetaroos !!
Keetaroos on the tiffin box

Tiffin boxes : Is the  tiffin box not a utensil ? This is the latest addition from the marketing think tank. It is pointed out that sanitizing the tiffin box only with THEIR product renders it safe from keetaroos.
The Air in the Rooms : It is suggested that only THEIR room freshener shall kill the keetaroos and simultaneously make the air smell nice. Otherwise it shall be presumed that you live next to the garbage dump. But what if the floor is already wiped with the keetaroo killing solvent ?
The Refrigerator : The refrigerator now is no more an equipment to keep things cool or frozen. The point made out now is that keetaroos shall not be killed and your food inside would spoil if it is not THEIR refrigerator.

Keetaroos in the AC room

Air-conditioners : Gone are the days when you switched on the AC to cool your room. Now you are made to worry about the keetaroos in the room if not using THEIR air-conditioner. Never mind the keetaroo killing room freshner and the floor wiping solvents you have used; only the AC can kill the stubborn keetaroo.

Long live Keetaroos
With all this hungama going on it seems that the KEETAROOS are in league with the Marketing brigade in promoting their products !! What would the Marketing brigade do if these keetaroos fade away ? Long live ketaroos !!


  1. i think it should be keetanoo

    1. its not Keetanoo... in school Inever learnt in hindi keetaadoo/keetaaroo with a 'na'


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