Stumbling…  Bubbling … Struggling …  etc etc. Lets have a look at what all happens in life through these similar sounding actions.
We all have had numerous tumbles in our life. As toddlers we stand up to walk, STUMBLE and get up to do it all over again. Stumbling, getting up and doing it again are part of learning; whether learning to walk or learning to cycle.

Bruised shins, knees or elbows are hidden from mothers in the eagerness to learn cycling. And then the sheer joy of cycling. It put wings to us ! As evening draws near, we run out with our cycles to roam the mohalla or park with friends.
Doing an errand gave an opportunity to cycle, and we were always ready to do it!

We grow up. Schools start with the daily SCRAMBLING to get ready in time with school bag, uniform etc to catch the school bus. It involved scrambling by mothers too, to pack our tiffin box for us !

Reaching school there was scrambling to dump our bags in class and rush to prayer time in the grounds. PT classes were also occasions of scrambling to do the exercises properly, in tune and time.
There were numerous occasions of stumbling in games, sport events etc. All part of growing up. Oh the joys of scrambling !!

Night time saw us falling down in sleep tired with all the activities of the hectic day. We looked forward to SNUGGLING to sleep with mother or grandmother, but  getting up in the morning to find we were sleeping somewhere else.
School days also had poetry recitals, plays, etc. The teachers decided who will be what and we learnt our parts with joy. Thinking that my part is the best in the show, we impatiently waited to reach home, BUBBLING with excitement to recite / play out the part before our parents to get showers of praise. The sheer joy of acting out the parts in fancy dresses made out of coloured paper, tinsel, feathers etc.

Teenage exposes us to life, bringing us out slowly from the close protection of parents. It also finds us BUMBLING to make new friends, how to cope with problems,  new horizons of learning and freedom etc. Later in life we find all of it so hilariously funny. Newer friendships with the other sex sees us FUMBLING to find words of what to say ! All this bumbling and fumbling takes us out of teenage and the Rock / Steel/ Loud music age, to serious intentions of professional studies and a career. This age also brings care-freeness in our life, such as going around in crazy clothes, not having enough clean clothes in hostel, TUMBLING to bed in jeans and shoes on. The cares and thoughts are different altogether. 
Having entered a career and profession brings us STRUGGLING to make out a living sometimes alone in a new city. The caring family is in our hometown. In our place of work we struggle to cope with work, new friends, having a leisure time and eating properly as instructed daily by mother over the phone. Sometimes some of us would be GUZZLING beer in our new found independence and income, make believing that ‘This is Life’.

Married and gradually entering   middle age sees us GRUMBLING now at our own children; grumbling at our self for the BUNGLING decisions which have been taken over the years causing us financial losses or loss of opportunities.
The stomach also gives out RUMBLING sounds now and then, reminding us that our digestion is no more young and we have to be cautious in our food habits.

Having lived a few decades of married life, the spouse is no longer afraid to speak their mind. They resort to MUMBLING from the other room or with the fridge door open- taking things out- head half inside- completely inaudible or when you are out in the verandah / balcony etc etc. You get the drift. Mumbling is exasperating and gets your goat. You ask what’s going on – no reply- you ask louder, you get accused of shouting and you become defensive. Some have a genetic expertise in this regard. You know the script !!

Now a senior citizen in the 70’s or more, you look back. Having crossed three or more generations, you expect the fourth generation now to be in the Fumbling and Bumbling stage. But Lo and Behold ! They are now made of stronger stuff and have crossed over into the Guzzling stage!!

That;s Life and it’s rather a HUMBLING experience.



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