The Body Clock


In the present age of hectic life, whether you are a student, employed professional or self-employed professional life, male or female; the concept of time and the borderline between day and night has become blurred and sometimes non-existent. Demands of everyday life, work pressure, irregular meal times and late nights can push the body constitution and its adaptability beyond limits of tolerance. Even retired persons are no exception and are caught in the whirlpool of catching up on things they missed doing in their working life.

There are parties you cannot avoid, get-togethers that you want to go, films and shows which you cannot leave (or you shall be left out in the social circuit). Sleeping during the day is not possible as the day has its schedule. It’s also not a solution as the body recognises night and wants to rest.

The body recognises night, is also evident as Road and Factory accidents happen mostly beyond midnight and dawn as the brain dozes off.

The brain runs the body in a rhythmic cycle by which many characteristics and physiological functions are governed. The Circadian Rhythm governs our daylight and night functions since early mankind times, when humans followed the sun for activity and rest when there was night.

                    Image result for body clock cycle

Midnight to dawn – Time to sleep, recover energy and reset rhythm.
Daybreak to Noon  – Time to exercise, breakfast and work.
Noon to dusk  –  Lunch and take a break.
Dusk to midnight – relax and dinner

          Animals, birds and plants follow this rhythmic behaviour. Nature has seen to it for them, to the extent of genetically coding into them for feeding, sleeping, nest building. Eventheir breeding cycle is encoded genetically into them. Offspring are born at the most favourable time of the year for optimal survival and continuation of species.

But humans, being invested with more brains, have deviated from it (the working & sleeping cycle, not the breeding cycle !), and have invited myriad problems and diseases on themselves. When this rhythm is disrupted many body functions go out of order and new problems such as headaches, backaches, blurred eyes, migraine and even hallucination can take place. When these persist for a long time, serious illness may get generated.

                                  Image result for body clock cycle

Even diagnostic tests can be wrongly interpreted if normal body clock is not adhered to. It is advisable to inform the doctor about your sleeping & waking hours when certain tests are done.

          Regular meal time keeps the body aware of time. Changing meal pattern to suit work timings and travel is ok, but if done for long durations against sun timing, can lead to a unhealthy condition. In present times where production is the key word, people work day in and day out, even in continuous shifts, abusing their body to the limit. Accidents happen when the body clock does not cope.

          It is the lifestyle which has a mutually beneficial relationship with the body clock. This then shall make a difference in your health pattern.  In simple words – following the body clock in today’s world is impossible, but attempts to keep close to it shall help your body functions ticking in the right direction


  1. Very useful information, all must know. It's TRUE we do not pay attention to our routine, carelessly we do neglect to understand signals from our body clock.


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