Life After Corona

By now we are well into July, and all of us would have spent about four months of Corona induced lockdown; spending time as advised by the medical and other authorities.

People in employment, those who run any sort of business and factories have opened; people have started going back to pre-lockdown activities as per guidelines. Restrictions are being reduced and relaxations are being increased, but precautions against Corona have to be practiced for not just several months, but for may be couple of years.

There are small lockdowns happening in different states, like in Mumbai and Uttar Pradesh.

Relaxations with Restrictions
            Experts say that we have to learn to live with Corona, since it may be with us for long. Everyone is anxious to know the ways and steps which individually we can take so that we remain safe from this infection once we start living our life as ‘normal’?

Experts from every field are unanimous that it is our Immunity that shall safeguard us from falling prey to Corona. In the Future, our survival will be based on our Immunity. The healthier we are the more resistance in our body against any infection.

WHAT DOES IMMUNITY MEAN ? According to medical experts Immunity is the capability of our body to resist harmful microorganisms from entering its cells. Immunity involves both specific and nonspecific components. The nonspecific components act as barriers or eliminators of a wide range of pathogens irrespective of their antigenic make-up.
          In simple terms, we have to build up a barrier within ourselves which can resist the entering of harmful bacteria/virus into our body cells.
“Narayana Health” of Bengaluru has this to say for building your immunity …

So let us take these factors one by one.

FOOD : For this, eat a balanced  diet. To explain, food can be divided into four categories.
1. Carbo-hydrates which are cereals like wheat, rice, bajra, maize. Their preparations like chapatti, dosa, idli etc; also are starchy vegetables like potatoes, arabi, sweet potatoe, jimikand etc. This category gives energy & vitamin B.
2. Protein items like pulses, milk, mutton, fish, eggs and milk products. Their preparations like dal, chole or kadi (from besan). This category gives vitamin D essential for teeth, bones and overall physical growth.
3. Vitamins and Minerals, fruits and vegetables, which meet our mineral, salt, vitamin A and C, and iron requirement.
4. Fatty materials like ghee, oil, butter, cheese and sugar. This category provides energy. One should make a habit to use only natural vegetable oils such as Mustard oil, Til oil, Groundnut oil etc. ‘Refined or double refined’ oils are manufactured using chemicals, and should be avoided.
Home cooked meals are best. Roughage should be included in our daily diet in form of Salads, breakfast and snacks.
Avoid packaged/frozen pre cooked food. They contain preservatives & stabilizers, which are very harmful in the long run.



Following items get special mention as they shall help keep your immune system strong.

Citrus fruits - Almost all citrus fruits are high in vitamin C. The recommended daily amount for most adults is: 75 mg for women and 90 mg for men. Eat fruits in whole rather than juicing them out, remember roughage and fibre play a big role in good health and stomach

Red bell peppers – By weight, red bell peppers contain almost 3 times as much vitamin C as an orange, besides being a rich source of beta carotene. Besides boosting your immune system, vitamin C may help you maintain healthy skin. Beta carotene, which your body converts into vitamin A, helps keep your eyes and skin healed.

Broccoli - Broccoli is supercharged with vitamins and minerals, vitamins A, C, and E, as well as fiber and many other antioxidants. It is one of the healthiest vegetables you can put on your plate. Cook it as little as possible. Research shows that steaming is the best way to keep more nutrients in the food.
Don't like broccoli? We have a tasty yet super fast recipe - stir fry your Broccoli in your favourite natural oil - along with some garlic pods and little bit of salt and pepper - quick yummy healthy snack is ready!

Garlic – It adds a little zing to food and is a must-have for your health. It value is in fighting infections, slowing down hardening of the arteries, and helping lower blood pressure. Its immune-boosting properties seem to come from a heavy concentration of sulfur-containing compounds, such as allicin. Just toss in few garlic pods in whatever you are cooking! Voila!

Yogurt - contains live and active cultures which stimulate your immune system to help fight diseases. Also a great source of vitamin D,it boosts our body’s natural defenses against diseases. Plain yogurt is best, , but if you have sweet tooth, eat it with, jaggery, fruits, honey. Avoid processed sugar

Almonds - Vitamin E in almonds is a powerful antioxidant but is a fat-soluble vitamin, which means it requires the presence of fat to be absorbed properly. Nuts, such as almonds, are packed with the vitamin and also have healthy fats.

Coming onto our hot favourites -

Kadhas, are typically home-made concoctions, prepared in almost all Indian households as an immunity booster drink. Now a day’s our good old ‘Kadha’ has got an international name ‘IMMUNITY TEA’ you may say.
It’s simply made with items already found in Indian kitchens.
A simple kadha can be a concotion of - Clove, Cinnamon, Turmeric, Cumin, Tulsi, Thyme, Ginger, Lemon, Honey etc. all boiled together in water for several minutes before it is strained to drink
Extracts of Ginger , Tulsi, Turmeric are medically advised and are very effective. Kadha can be taken even if you have no problems, as it increases body immunity.

Kadha made from simple herbs is effective
                 Making this Immunity boosting Kadha is very simple. Ayush Mantralaya, GOI recommended recipe shows you how  

Golden Latte : Yes! Yet another fashionable nomenclature for our good old ‘HALDI DOODH’. This is another homemade immunity booster. Mix half a tablespoon of turmeric powder in a cup of warm milk (you may sweeten it with half a teaspoon of Honey). Take this cup of ‘Golden Latte’ at bedtime once in a while. Turmeric is a wonderful antiseptic ingredient; you can also take it whenever you catch a cold, cough or are just feeling exhausted. It works miracles.

LIGHT EXCERCISE : Light exercise is a must as it keeps the body fit, active and digestion in proper order. It makes you feel healthier, more energetic and can help you feel better about yourself. Long workouts are not necessary, unless you are building up abs.
Lot of videos are available online on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook and like, from where you can select your daily routine exercises. Brisk walking, cycling, strength Yoga are some very commonly practiced easy exercises which should be definitely made a part of one’s daily lifestyle. Children can indulge in Skipping, Dancing, kickboxing, cycling also.

STRESS FREE : Keeping tension and stress at bay is the major part of good health, happy mental condition and over all wellbeing.
• Stress is the consequence of any situation / action which places special physical/mental demands on a person
 Stress is not what happens to us.  It's our response to what happens, and RESPONSE is something we can choose.
Conditions that cause stress are called stressors.  They can be ….
Work related,   Social                           Environmental             Psychological
Interpersonal    Family Oriented.          Individual reasons
 Recent studies show that the workplace has become the single greatest source of stress. The feeling that simply working hard is not enough anymore is acknowledged by many.
National Institute of Mental Health India says that major sources of stress for working people are job related.
Light regular exercise for physical fitness                                Relaxing
Time management                                                                   Networking
Meditation & Deep Breathing                                                  Time off
Plan your life with social / family support

DEEP BREATHING : 70% of the metabolic waste of the body is eliminated through breathing, only 30% through perspiration, urination & stool. Our body gets the energy to purify & clear itself of toxins & stress and rejuvenate through breathing. Deep breathing for few minutes will instantly give you energy through fresh oxygen to the blood / brain and you shall feel immediately de-stressed.
Let’s practice a quick mindful deep breathing technique -
Put a, 5 minutes time alarm in your phone, now… count till 5 and along with it take a deep breath in…count ill 10 and release the breath out from your mouth. Do this for 5 minutes. (till phone beeps). Feel refreshed.

There are lots of apps available these days which will help you maintain your Mindfulness and meditation goals. Example - Calm, Youper, Sound Healing and many more Choose from the list of the app and stick to the one you can relate to and do regularly.
Start with your mindfulness sessions and try indulge in meditation slowly. Start meditating at-least for 10 minutes a day. Increase it to half an hour then to an hour slowly. Meditation doesn't only effect positively on your emotional well-being but also opens arenas of many realms and wishful manifestations.

SLEEP :  A good night’s restful sleep is another key to good health and immunity. The amount of sleep you need by a general guideline, for adults is, at-least 7 to 8 hours. Below 7 hours of sleep, one will be feeling tired all day long. 5 hours of sleep is = Sleep Deprivation.

Harvard Medical School has this advice on sleep requirements ....
courtsy -
                  So, all the above is more than any vaccine one needs for self immunity without any side effects.

 As suggested in the beginning  .... our future lies in our immunity.... just like Intel inside in computers, we have to have solid immunity inside!

Remember, the tools to fight Corona are in your Body !


  1. Very well written article. Though it's a bit long, but has all the necessary information about different things.
    No doubt, Corona is still spreading badly, we all have to protect ourselves. Beside food, our mental state need to be calm.
    Keep it up, your blogs always are very interesting and informative.

    1. Thank You for follow my blog regularly. Your comments have been valuable.Yes, this post is slightly long, but it is so because several points needed discussion.

  2. Very well written article. Though it's a bit long, but has all the necessary information about different things.
    No doubt, Corona is still spreading badly, we all have to protect ourselves. Beside food, our mental state need to be calm.
    Keep it up, your blogs always are very interesting and informative.

  3. Very emphatic slogan "Tools to fight Corona are in your body". Sharpen the tools by any means described in this blog post "Life After Corona" authored by seasoned Engineer & eight decades young gentleman, a reputed bolgger Shri I. M. LAL. It is stress buster for Corona phobics.

    1. Thank you Sir, for your valuable comments and high praise. I try to write what comes to my mind. Good that you have liked them.


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