I wrote a blog on this topic on 7th May 2019 in this blogger, and feel that the topic has to be revisited by all. The blog post of that date can be viewed here …



Elections to five states are in progress nowadays, with counting and results on 10th March 2022. It would be worthwhile to have a look on the voting.


As in every election, there is an appeal by the government, Election Commission to check your name in the voters list. First time eligible youth are urged, mobilized to get their name in the voters list. Camps are held all around to facilitate this.

Polling days come nearer and everybody from the government, Election Commission, Schools & Colleges, Corporate ads et-all urges everyone to be a good citizen and Vote on your polling date.

Polling Day arrives. All offices, Schools, Colleges, Universities etc are closed. Private sector is also closed or give hours off to their employees to vote. Markets also are closed and start opening by evening when polling is over.

This year, Election Commission has started giving ‘Vote from Home’ to people over 80 years of age. Their staff was going round to people’s homes with voter’s list record to register such senior citizens for this facility. It is voluntary; you can avail of this facility or go to the polling booth to vote.


All this, so that the people vote.


Despite all the awareness created, facilities given and availed by the population, we see a dismal record of voting percentage.

In most places it is reported that only 52% to 62% or so persons in the voters list have voted.

The average usually comes to about 58%


Where were the remaining 42% of the persons on the voters list doing ?

Why have they not voted ?


On deeper study it can be safely said that …

About 5% of them are in a different city pursuing a professional study course, or in employment there. Could not get leave or the expense of going to vote was not affordable so were not able to come to home town to vote.

About 5% live in the town, but are on duty elsewhere on that day. They may be in the railways, on poll duty, on police duty etc., so could not vote.

About 3% are sick or invalid, either at home or in a hospital and could not vote.

About 1% is in police custody, jail or on the run from police and afraid to come to vote lest they are nabbed,

This would total to 14 to 15%. The figure is approximate, so let us be lenient and assume that 18% are unable to vote due to various reasons

So  58% to 62% voted +  18% could not  = 76% to 80% accounted for.

That leaves 24% to 20% people – roughly 22%  who did not go to vote.


What were these 22% persons on the voters list doing that they did not vote ?


Excuses given by this class of people are fantastic  


* I never voted, as it is futile.

* The government would any way do what it wants so why vote

* Let’s club the weekend with it and go on a 3 day holiday !

* My driver was on leave !

* I could drive and go, but there is no Valet parking. Parking is too far from polling booth and. I cannot walk that far !

* They have one queue for all, with maids, durwans & servants of the area  in the same queue. Oh God !

* They put some mark on the finger, spoiling my nail polish !

* It is too hot ! or it’s too cold !

* My name is missing from the voters list.

* I get up from my beauty sleep around 4 to 5 pm, and am ready to go out only by 7pm, but the voting has closed by that time !


So there you are. Some strata of the society votes, but the Snobs & Nouveau Riche have their excuses. But all of them blame the government that it is full of incompetent persons, etc., etc.


  1. People have lost faith in Parties & Indian system.That's why they do not bother to cast their vote.Those who are capable enough as far as financial term is concerned,they just relax at home.That I can say.

  2. It is the constitutional and civic duty of every citizen to exercise one's electoral franchise - no excuses. That's the least one can do to get involved in society.

  3. Lesser the vote percentage, greater are the people satisfied with their lives. Bumper voting means people want to vent thier anger or dissatisfaction. Thats why the rich democratic countries have poor voting percentages.


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