Positive Results of Corona Times

It is now nearing one & a half month of Lockdown in this Corona Times, and a lot has been written and broadcast on TV about the horrors of Corona, safety precautions etc., etc. But there have been some splendid and refreshing advantages too. Let us look at the positive side too.

First of all, within a week of the lockdown, nearly all rivers became pollution free ! Waters became clear with people being able to see several feet deep into the waters. Dolphins were sighted all over. Reason – industries closed hence no effluents, no boating etc.

Delhi NCR is notorious for its air pollution, but the air quality these days became pollution free. People breathed in balmy air after several years.

Himalayas from Jalandhar during lockdown
Few more days afterwards with air becoming clearer and clearer, the snow capped peaks and the Himalayan Range were visible from a distance of up to 125 miles. People from as far away as Jalandhar and Saharanpur were able to see the Himalayas, a sight which they might have seen earlier in their childhood. The children are overjoyed to see this spectacle which otherwise was only in pictures.

Himalayas from Saharanpur during lockdown
Temperature in the concrete jungles of cities has dropped appreciably during this lockdown as all factories are closed, generators are silent and vehicular emission is absent. The weather is pleasant and a cool breeze is felt most of the day. April has ended but majority of people in north India have not felt the necessity to turn on their AC’s.

Loneliness of the elderly is a thing of the past in most houses as everyone is at home. The young children play with their grandparents, stories are told and retold.

Psychological problems in all age groups has become very very less during this period as with maids & helps being away, all house chores are to be done by family members. Idle hands are no more the Devils tools & Idle minds also are no more the Devils workshop. There has been a steep fall in cases of Heart attacks also.

The sound of Koyal in the day and hooting of owl is now heard in all cities much to the joy of children, which otherwise was only a text book word.

Wish these advantages could be present in normal times too.


  1. Very nice. Such situations cannot be there always....

  2. Nature is indeed happy...its returning back to its original form.
    Do we human beings realise how harmful we are for the Nature...?

    1. Once these situationsreturn to normal, all pollution shall return


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